20 interesting facts about depression.

1.Did you know that depression is not only triggered by stress, grief, and anxiety: it is also influenced by common medical conditions like diabetes, Sleep apnoea, thyroid disorder, heart disease, chronic infection, hormone imbalance, and some drugs used to treat these diseases can also stimulate depression.

2. Did you know that the depression rate is growing ten times higher day by day: Depression has nothing to do with genetics. It is possibly the lifestyle, food, and the way we live in the modern world.

3. Do you know about the Amish community? They are a group of Americans. Their lifestyle is drastic from modern life. They conduct an 18th-century way of life in the modern world. They reject the contemporary lifestyle. They are the only American community that has not been affected by the depression plague. The rate of depression in the Amish community is low compared to the general population.
Similarly, the Kaluli are a kin of illiterate indigenous peoples living in the rain forests of the Great Papuan Plateau in Papua New Guinea. They also have a less depressed rate. So, this confirms that lifestyle plays a role in depression.

4. Did you know that aerobic exercise does the same treatment as the anti-depressant drug Zoloft. If the depressed patient does thirty minutes of brisk walking three times a week, it is equal to the patient who intakes the drug Zoloft. 
This is an interesting fact about depressant drugs.
The patient who does Aerobic exercise has fewer chances of getting depressed again than the person who intakes Zoloft.

Find out other ways to cure depression without medicine, in the link below.

6 ways to cure depression without medication. (theshwrites.blogspot.com)

5.Did you know that Exercise improves the activity level of the Brain chemical dopamine and serotonin, which is also the aim of the drugs like Zoloft, Prozac, and Lexapro.

6.Did you know that Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factors (BDNF) is a hormone that helps in learning and memory: this hormone depletes when depression conquers. But exercise helps to regain this hormone.

7.Did you know that depression occurs due to chemical imbalances,
 but that does not mean chemical imbalance should be treated by a chemical drug. Some other natural ways, like doing exercise, can also make the chemical imbalance balance.

8.Did you know that America is one of the countries that have the highest rate of depressed patients; One of the reasons is SAD, which Means seasonal affective disorder. This SAD happens during the cold winter season when there is less light exposure.

9. Did you know that, for example, when your favorite football team loses, you say, “I feel depressed”; that depression is completely different from clinical depression. The depression or sadness that you feel after your favorite team loses doesn’t last long for a long period. And it doesn’t cause any damage to the brain. But clinical depression is called a major depressive disorder; in short, it is called depression. This type of depression conquers the energy and the will to live.

10. Did you know that the patient is diagnosed with depression if the patient has at least five symptoms present every day for two weeks or more; these symptoms should also cause any disability or intense stress.

11. Did you know that depression can also occur when some loved one passes away; So, the diagnosis should be two months after the death period.

12. Did you know that; the emotional pain of depression overpowers any physical pain like childbirth, spinal injury, or passing a kidney stone.

13.The frontal cortex: is the outer part of the brain that is responsible for mental consciousness. The frontal cortex is divided into two hemispheres called left and right. The frontal cortex interconnects with the deep almond-like shaped Amygdala to generate deep emotions. When the left front hemisphere becomes more energetic, the mood becomes positive, motivated, and healthy. When the left frontal hemisphere depletes emotion like sadness, demotivation generates. Mostly depressed patients’ left frontal hemisphere gets affected. That is why the depressed patient feels demotivated and thinks negatively.

14.When you get stressed, the stress hormone cortisol is released.
It increases the potential to store new memories, learn a lesson from stressful experiences, and store knowledge for future stressful situations, but when the stress response prolongs(continues for a long time), the cortisol hormone release a toxic toll on the memory area of the frontal cortex. This causes the memory power to shrink. That is why depressed patient experience problems with memory power.

15.Did you know that although genes aren’t the cause of depression yet, genetics can help to find the person’s risk for depression. 

  • Identical twins with the same genes are vulnerable to depression risk.
  • Fraternal twins are not much at risk.
  • Biological genetics children of depressed parents are at high risk.
  • Adopted children are not at risk.

But genetics is just a method of prediction for depression.

16.Did you know that woman with the highest estrogen level is more susceptible to experiencing stress, pressure and tension.

17.Did you know that it takes a high level of stress to influence depression for the first time in a person; But relapse can occur unexpectedly.

18.Did you know that rats, also gets depressed; when researchers treat the rats violently, the rats behave; in a way, humans behave when they get depressed. But rats rebound back within a day or two.

19.Researchers take Wister rats as a sample to get information regarding the animal way of depression.

20.The method used by scientists to depress a rat is the forced swim test. That is dropping a rat in a tall cylindrical tub of lukewarm water with slippery sides. The rats give up trying to come out of it. 
The scientist has also found a method to renounce depressed rat. The plan is to feed rats with high doses of Prozac drug and providing omega-3 complement also works.

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