Are you living in an urban area? Are you fed up with those huge buildings and impurified smoke around you? Do you often get mesmerized looking at the green provinces?
Probably the answer would be yes from the majority because I live in a populated city. And I spend most of my time on remote jobs. At times, I wonder If I can get a chance to enjoy a greener environment. However, my quest for green surroundings ended up with planting plants indoors. At first, I started my indoor planting with some inexpensive herbal plants. Now let me further guide you through the
- benefits of Indoor plants
- Easiest herb to grow indoors
Benefits of Indoor plants.
According to research, It is foreseen that 60% to 90% of the world’s population will reside in cities by the 2030s. This prediction is not about the distant future. And it is also mentioned that at least 80% of their lives living in cities spend most of the Indoors(Measuring the Impact of Selected Plants on Indoor CO2 Concentrations). So, spending time indoors in school, a hospital, an office, and a home while living in an urban area is inescapable. Such a lifestyle can make you sick and unhealthy due to several reasons like
- too much exposure to carbon dioxide.
When the number of people residing in the four wall increase, the concentration of Carbon-dioxide increases, and it can cause fatigue, absence of perception, sleepiness, loss of performance, headache, dizziness, fatigue, and loss of concentration.
- Poor quality air
Air becomes contaminated by air-borne fine particles like aromatic hydrocarbons, chiefly formalde- hyde and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylene, and xylene). According to research, these particles are ‘’responsible for the symptoms of sick building syndrome (SBS) among indoor occupants.’’
So, to prevent these detrimental effects, there are plenty of ways, like using fertilizer to remove contaminated air and air cleaning machines. But these are expensive and eco-unfriendly products. Thus, indoor planting would be a reasonable and ecological option to prevent this harm. Let us look at the advantages of indoor plants.
- Plants can purify the air.
According to a report, every year in India, 496,000 in rural areas and 93,000 in urban areas die due to indoor air pollutants, (Aloe Vera: The Miracle Plant It’s Medicinal and Traditional Uses in India) which is futile. Because there are natural ways like growing indoor plants to prevent these unnecessary deaths.
The journal article ‘’Effects of Indoor Plants on Human Functions’’(Effects of Indoor Plants on Human Functions: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses) mentions a study conducted in indoor apartments with and without the plant. As a result,
- Participants’ sick leave hours and misconduct were significantly less when plants were present than when plants were absent
- Participants’ grade point averages were significantly higher when plants were present than when plants were absent.
- Participants’ frequency of painkiller consumption, SBP, and heart rate were significantly lower when plants were in the room than when plants were not in the room.
- The increased humidity of the indoor potted plants improved the vagus-induced sympathovagal balance of the heart of the participant.
- Participants’ frequency of painkiller use and hospitalization days were significantly lower when plants were in the room than when plants were not in the room.
- Participants who took care of plants had greater academic achievement than those who did not.
5 Easiest herbs to grow indoors
- Curry leaves (Murraya koenigii)
- Aloe vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller)
- Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
- mung bean sprouts (Vigna radiata)
- Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Curry leaves

- Curry leaves are the easiest plant to grow.
- It is a seasoning herb that gives an aroma of sulfur and a burnt odor.
- Curry leaves are used, especially in southern Indian and Srilanka cuisine.
In an article, I found, “The United States and Europe, where the popularity of curry leaves has immensely increased in recent years, potted indoor plants provide steady access to fresh leaves with an authentic aroma”.
Aloe vera

- Aloe vera is a magical indoor plant
- It purifies air apt for the bedroom or kitchen area
- Aloe vera can be used to treat wound burns and canker sores.
- Use to treat constipation
- treats irritable bowel syndrome
- treats Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive
- people
- Aloe vera juice reduces stress
- Aloe vera gel used as a moisturizer
Lemon Balm

- It has a lemon scent.
- used to flavor drink
- Garnish in salads
- Dried leaves can be used for tea, soup, and flavoring.
- oil of lemon balm used for perfume
Mung bean sprouts

Medical benefits
- antioxidant effects,
- antifungal and
- antimicrobial activity,
- anti-inflammatory activity,
- activity against diabetes,
- hypertension
- cancer
- clears heat,
- detoxifies,
- reduces swelling,
- promotes urination,
- quenches thirst,
- aids edema in the lower limbs
It can be grown easily indoors using mung bean seeds.


- keeps bugs away
- dried basil leaves can be used for cooking
- helps in digestion
- lowers blood sugar level
- produces neurological calm
- Basil has antibacterial properties and can be used to treat flu, cold, and herpes virus.
- It is an anti-inflammatory useful to treat arthritis, rheumatism, and bowel inflammation.
I hope reading this article will stop people from purchasing artificial plants for home adornment because artificial plants are only for ornamental. But the organic plant is decorative, and it saves a life.