Best free online paraphrasing tool.


Online paraphrasing tool, available for free on the Internet, makes writers and students work effortlessly. That is the perception of many out there. But do you think pasting your text on the online paraphrasing tool makes your work easy-going and successful?

Is it reliable on something free and available online?

Do you think using such online free tools helps you work smart, not hard?

Such questions do bother me as a writer. Hence, I explored and found sufficient information

about online plagiarism tools. And unexpectedly, these questions were also mostly googled questions.

Hence, I thought, why not share with my readers as well? I hope this reading benefits you.

1.What are the free online Paraphrasing tools available?

If you type "paraphrasing tool" on the Google search engine, you will find 235,000,000 results.

That means this topic consists of a broad range of information shared on the Internet.

However, I would like to mention particularly a few online paraphrasing tools and their accuracy.

1.Paraphrasing Tool • Article Rewriter & Spinner | Plagiarisma

2. Use an Excellent Paraphrasing Tool for College Assignments (

3. Paraphrasing Tool - Best Sentence Rephraser (

4. Free Paraphrasing Tool Online | Best Paraphrase Tool (

5.Best Paraphrasing Tool | 100% Free Paraphrase | SEOMagnifier

6.Paraphrase Online - Best Free Paraphrasing Tool (

2.Are the above free online paraphrasing tools legit and dependable?

Indeed, the quality, efficacy, validity, and reliability of the above paraphrasing tool are questionable.

Because these online free paraphrasing either "spins" or "patch writes" the original text.

And that is a poor form of paraphrasing.

For example

The original text: One day, while Jane was wandering, he felt lightheaded and then lost consciousness and fell to the ground. He was brought to the Emergency Department of a major hospital by ambulance for assessment and investigation.

Post-paraphrased using tool Paraphrasing Tool • Article Rewriter & Spinner | Plagiarisma

Three archaic, extensively Jane was deviating, he felt lightheaded and satisfy concentrating consciousness and fell to the ground. He was powerless to the Critical time Arm of a designing dispensary by ambulance for assail and study.

You can witness that the meaning of the passage is vague after paraphrasing. Here the technique of "spinning" is used.

Spinning (replace words using synonyms)

Another example using tool number 3 Paraphrasing Tool - Best Sentence Rephraser (

This paraphrasing tool has an option like Simple, Advanced, fluency, and creative.

Creative is available only for the Pro account.

Let me paraphrase the original text using the option Simple, advanced, and fluency.

Original text: One day, while Jane was wandering, he felt lightheaded and then lost consciousness

and fell to the ground. He was brought to the Emergency Department of a major hospital

by ambulance for assessment and investigation.


 [SIMPLE] One day, whilst Jane changed into wandering, he felt lightheaded after which misplaced consciousness and fell to the ground. He changed into introduced to the Emergency Department of a primary hospital by ambulance for evaluation and investigation.

[ADVANCED]: One day, whereas Jane was wandering, he felt lightheaded so lost consciousness and fell to the ground. He was dropped at the Emergency Department of a serious hospital by auto for assessment and investigation.

[FLUENCY]: One day, while wandering around, Jane became dizzy, passed out and fell to the ground. He was taken to the emergency room of a major hospital by ambulance for examination and examination.

Each mode in this paraphrasing tool has made a change to the original text. But the paraphrased text

is not accurate.

Let's check out another free paraphrasing tool

Paraphrase Online - Best Free Paraphrasing Tool (

Original text: One day, while Jane was wandering, he felt lightheaded and then lost consciousness

and fell to the ground. He was brought to the Emergency Department of a major hospital

by ambulance for assessment and investigation.

REPHRASE: One day, whereas Jane was meandering, he felt woozy and after that misplaced consciousness and fell to the ground. He was brought to the Crisis Division of a major hospital by emergency vehicle for appraisal and examination.

It is clear that the rephrased version has used an inappropriate synonym in the text.

Note: beware of using free online paraphrasing tools. I just showed a few examples but never get enticed to inaccurate tools.

3.How does an online paraphrasing tool work?

An online paraphrasing tool is a text-processing application. This application is associated with MT [MACHINE TRANSLATION].MT can translate language or within the same language.

Rogerson and McCarthy (2017) provide the clearest introduction and definition of what an

APT is and does, stating that they are often web-based applications which use Machine

Translation (MT) to transform one text into another, including between languages. MT var-

ies in its level of sophistication and efficacy but is improving with advances in technology

in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning, although

mistakes in output are still common (Rogerson, 2020)

(“What Are Automated Paraphrasing Tools and How Do We Address Them? A Review of a Growing

Threat to Academic Integrity,” n.d., #)

4.Can Paraphrasing using an online tool be detected as plagiarism?

Plagiarism is an issue mostly for academic students. Students studying in an institution would most

probably have rules and policies for plagiarism.

However, if a student uses any online plagiarism tool and the university recognizes it is considered a

breach of rule.

How can any institute or university find out?

  • For instance, if your paraphrased article has chunks of "word salad,

    then this will influence the university to check if you have used a paraphrasing tool.

  • If your paraphrased text gives a divergent meaning from the original text, 

     then this would also lead to double checking if you had used any paraphrased tool.

  • And a special mention, medical terminologies are not paraphrased properly. It produces an incomprehensible word. Hence students who are unaware would get detected.

5.What are the best free and paid online paraphrasing tools?

1. QuillBot AI

Paraphrasing Tool - QuillBot AI

Quillbot has various modes to rephrase the text.

Modes like standard and fluency are free to use. And I would say that suffice in rephrasing with the

option of modifying as you wanted. You can also rephrase a word or sentence to your satisfaction.

Premium account has additional option like grammer checker,plagiarism checker etc.™

Jasper - AI Copywriting & Content Generation for Teams

This is one of the best-paid paraphrasing tools. It also has the option called" continue writing more on

your own" which is automated writing.

Free trail available.


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